Showing off

I was supposed to be writing a meaningful blog about some #Etsy stuff, but I never did what I said I was going to do for that.

So, instead, I’m going to post a few pics of some recent simple designs that I made for my shop.

These first few are some simple seed bead necklaces.

I never know what to call my designs. I’m pretty basic with naming them. Makes me glad I only had one child to name. LOL

I don’t generally like working with seed beads. They are so very little. It’s really hard to see.

The making of the jewelry is not the part that really drives me crazy, though. I love doing that part.


The part that gets me riled up and irate is the taking pics part.

You wouldn’t think that it would be so difficult to take good, clear, non-blurry product photos of some simple jewelry, but you would be thinking oh, so wrong.

Or rather, I have been thinking oh so wrong about it.

And since I am money-challenged, I can’t afford to pay people to do it for me, or to teach me, I have to stumble along and try to figure it out on my own.

I’ve been running my Etsy shop for 3 years now, since September 2020 and I’ve learned a few things. But it is still slow going.

And I’m done complaining.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful evening; I’m out like the lights. See you next time!

Check out my Etsy shop, these seed bead necklaces are actually there now:

Find/Follow me on other social media sites:

@missmeandi — Instagram and Twitter
@mydesignsbylala — Instagram


Keep On Plugging

Even when you feel like you’re unplugged.

When I started my #Etsy shop, I literally had no idea of what I was doing. Truth be told, I still don’t know what I am doing. But, I am not letting my not knowing keep me from learning. (although, don’t tell nobody, but I think I’m a really *slow*learner…lol)

I wanted to find a good coach to teach me the logistics of what I needed to learn about selling online. I searched and I searched. And you know what happened? I didn’t find anyone who could teach me anything BECAUSE right around the time I start trying to sell my wares on Etsy, Etsy changed shyt up!

Wouldn’t ya know, now EVERYBODY gots ta learn new shyt.

Yes, it was a game changer. Not in a good way. For me, who can’t sell ice water to a thirsty man in the desert, it is taking more time to get the hang of SEO. Something I had never heard of until I opened my jewelry business online. I can’t even think of starting my own website, in my opinion, until I at least get a little bit of the hang of selling on an established platform.

Trying to learn how to drive traffic, how to price, how to run sales, how to do giveaways (which is NOT something I think I will ever do with a gracious heart just to get sales, but that’s just me), and the likes of such selling activity. What I DO know how to do with my eyes closed and graciously is provide great customer service. As sarcastic as I am, and want to be on a daily/hourly basis, I do know how to reign in my sarcasm and give good service when called upon.

Not that that helps much, if you’ve got no customers to provide service to. But, I digress.

However, in the midst of the cloudy days looking at me; in the midst of my vigor having run out because it feels like it’s lost the plugged in power (that don’t make no damn sense, but I’mma roll with it…lol) I’ll keep plugging along. At some point, something that I am learning is bound to stick with me and it will propel me into a form of greatness I have yet to be able to reach.

And since I’ve typed out this nonsense blog, since I am a GREAT procrastinator and SHOULD be doing my Etsy listings at this time, let me be done. I do hope that SOMEWHERE in this mixed bag of messed up messages, that I’ve encouraged someone out there to keep going. Don’t give up just because you haven’t yet figured out the ONE thing yet. It’s eluding you for now because you’re showing weakness (probably). Stop doing that and just keep ya head up and keep plugging along because at some point….YOU’RE GOING TO GET IT. YOU’RE GOING TO GET THERE! I can’t promise, but I’ll stake a lot on it. You’ll see.

I’m out like the lights and I hope you all have a wonderful evening!

Check out my Etsy shop for adorable and affordable handmade by me beaded jewelry:

Find/Follow me on other social media sites:

Tiktok: @lazylalah
Facebook: (my business page) @mydesignsbylala
Facebook: (my personal page) @ms.lashanta 
Instagram and Twitter:
@missmeandi — Instagram and Twitter
@mydesignsbylala – Instagram


That’s The Nicest …

What was the best compliment you’ve received?

I don’t think I have ever rated a compliment.

I’m just not *that* conceited.

I believe that if a person takes the time to compliment me about anything at all, the least myself could do in return is be humble enough to receive it.

And say thank you.

So, I don’t know…they ALL are/were the best/nicest.

And since I’m illegally blogging at work, I’m out like the lights and I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday!

Check out my Etsy shop for beautifully simple and affordable beaded jewelry:

Find/Follow me on other social media sites:

@missmeandi — Instagram and Twitter
@mydesignsbylala — Instagram

Don’t Question Me

What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain.

Really, don’t.

Really. I hate to be asked questions in general. I think it might have something to do with actually having to talk to people. LOL


What question do I hate to be asked. Particularly, if I am at work and someone calls me, I hate when they ask, “What are you doing?” Or, “Are you busy?”

I’m at work…figure that shyt out.

Mostly, it’s the original statement. Don’t ask me anything. I mostly don’t have any answers because I’m pretty sure that I haven’t thought that hard about needing to answer any questions, so I don’t have any answers.

So, if you don’t want a run around statement as such … don’t ask me.

My mama was one of those types who, if she asked you a question, “I don’t know” was never the answer. Like, EVER.

Thankfully, I am an adult now, and not only is “I don’t know” a perfectly acceptable answer, it is GENERALLY the *right* one because, hell… I. Just. Don’t. Know.

And even more?? … I. Don’t. Want. To. Know. LOL

(Sometimes I just answer these prompts because I’m just silly like that.)

And with that, I’m out like the lights, and I hope you all had a splendid day and a wonderful evening.

Good night.

Check out my Etsy shop:

Follow me on other social media sites:

@missmeandi — Instagram and Twitter
@mydesignsbylala — Instagram

Walk A Mile …

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be, and why?

Who Are You?

That’s not something I’ve ever really thought about.

I know I’ve often said, “I wouldn’t want to be *that person” …

But, I don’t think I have ever really said, “I wish I could be *that person*” …

Outside looking in and all that. I kinda don’t like borrowing trouble if I don’t have to. I know what MY life is like because I live it. Looking at me, I doubt that someone is out there wishing they could have my life for a moment, let alone a day.

BUT, ya know … IDK … someone might be looking and doing that and I just don’t know they are crazy…LMAO

No, I don’t know what goes on behind anyone’s closed doors and so I’ve never wanted to Freaky Friday anyone. (I don’t think, anyway. I might have and just can’t remember at this particular moment )

It does not seem appealing to me when I don’t know what’s happening in the moments I can’t see.

So, if I could be someone else for a day, I’d have to answer that I’d be my 16/17 yr old self … just for one day.

Everyone I loved would be still alive, I wouldn’t have grown-up responsibilities to worry about, and life, on that particular day would be so much easier … for just a moment.

I’d choose me. Yes, I’d choose me. *smiley face emoji 🤪)

That be life, right?

I’m out like the lights and I hope you guys are having an awesome day!!

Gonna leave a plug now:

Watch Me!

LMAO … I cracks myself up often.

While I may not be ready for my close up, Mr. Deville, you can still enjoy me on YouTube.

Watch me!

My YouTube video for January.

Click that subscribe button and follow me. You will not get overrun by notifications of new videos because I have yet to post anything much. Just unboxing videos from Bargain Bead Box.

Help me out, yall.

Peace love and hair grease! I’m out like the lights!

Not …

Head in the clouds

What’s your dream job?

I know this answer is a social media meme, but … for me, it is true.

I have NEVER had a dream about working. Not even my scariest nightmares are about me working … anything, anywhere.

That’s not a thing I dream about.

Think about it for a minute: all the “good” jobs are basically, low paying government jobs that one gets burned out on because you’re doing good but you are underpaid, unappreciated (by the office you work for AND the people you are working for), and you get burned out doing it, while having to pretend you’re not. (This I know … I’m getting ready to retire from my preferred job in 17.5 months, and I am SO ready).

And the “good-paying” jobs generally have you making money for someone else. Sure, you get compensated pretty good financially, but what is it doing to your soul? Your general self-esteem and self-condidence? Are you slowly not liking yourself because of the things you have to do in your job; things you have to give up for your job?

And let’s talk about working for yourself. It’s a GRAND idea … on paper … But, the overhead, the getting started, the *unsureness* of it all to start off with.

Makes you cringe just thinking about it, right?

At least, that’s how I feel about it all.

Working. Not at all something I dream about enough to have a “dream job” for it.

Now, I am working in my “preferred job” … a paperwork pusher in a civil government job. Have been there for almost 25 years and am anxious for the day I can say goodbye to waking up at 7am and owing 8hrs of my life to someone else and not getting more than a “Thanks for your civil service” smile from those whom I work for.

Life, having to work for the opportunity to live it comfortably … that’s a bit sad.

Sad enough that I don’t dream about the work I have to do to be good in the life I’m living.

It’s never enough, anyway.

But, despite the melancholy of it all, I enjoy my life. So, having said all that …

Peace love and bacon grease, y’all! I’m out like the lights!!

Being Friendly

In what ways do you communicate online?

My online communication basically consists of me scrolling down my FaceBook timeline and reading, mostly, uninteresting posts from people I am not even friends with. The posts are “sponsored” and I don’t know why I get those.

Either the people I am friends with, or those who I follow, don’t post much, or I am just that uninteresting myself that I’m not allowed to view their posts until DAYS later when the post is no longer relevant.

Funny enough, I get ALL the posts when it’s someone’s birthday, and surprise surprise…it’s ALWAYS someone’s birthday on Facebook.

I have a Twitter (which I will NEVER call “X”) account, but whenever I pop over there … no matter how long the intervals … it seems like the same old same old ALL THE TIME. Never nothing new.

I use Instagram to post pics of my handmade jewelry products but not being able to pre-post and/or add links irritates me, so I don’t post there often either.

Back to Facebook, I really wish I had a plan on how to post (and I kinda do, I just haven’t figured out how to implement it yet) more engaging posts. As I said before, I’m quite boring. 🙂

But, that’s my online engagement. (Feels like I’ve answered this question.)

Engage with me. I don’t post much, but I’m here.

And stop by my #Etsy shop and hit that ❤️ there. I don’t know if it will help my shop, but it will lift my spirits! (And you might see something you just can’t live without.) They’re all one of a kind pieces. See for yourself!

Peace, love, and bacon grease folks! I’m out like the lights!

All of the Things…None of the Things.

Share five things you’re good at.

All of the things…none of the things

No matter how much you might put your mind to do something, there is bound to be something you just can’t do. That’s just the way it is.

I’d do better to list 5 things I can’t do (well) than to list things I am good at. Because, for the most part, if I TRY it, I’ll probably be good at doing it; it’s just that I haven’t tried all the things yet.

So, 5 things I know I’m NOT good at:

1) rock-climbing … I’m not going to TRY that, so I am not going to be good at it.

2) cooking chitterlings … ironically, I do LIKE to eat them, but chitterlings STINK (of course), so I will never try to cook them, so I know I won’t be good at cooking them.

3) swimming … again, ironically (2 things) I HAVE tried swimming, but I’m too afraid of drowning to actually be good at swimming. BUT, I *can* float!! Haha and I LOVE being IN the water. So, I am not good at swimming but I don’t run from the water.

4) physical fighting … like Michael Jackson said: ” I’m a lover not a fighter.” And I haven’t actually thrown a punch (that wasn’t playful) in years. And, well hell, people hit back and I’m too pretty for all that mess, yeah.

And lastly, 5) marketing … I am missing an important component and I do not know what it is. I’m selling my own handmade jewelry. I’m running my own small business, but I am missing the part that actually makes people want to buy stuff from me.

You gotta gimme a shot

So, in the marketing of running an online business, I’m not such a hotshot, doing it well, kind of person. ALTHOUGH, I am doing it. Slow-going, and all, I’m doing it.

I read (or have read, let me not lie too hard) my Bible and it tells me that if I speak or into existence, God will make it be. (Paraphrasing, of course) So, I’ll be saying I am, I do, I sell, I run…instead of adding the words “trying to” when I speak about my shop.

And of course, speaking about my #Etsy shop, pop on over and buy my stuff!!

And, since I’m at work typing this out, let me get back to it.

I’m out like the lights! Peace my brothers and sisters!!!

The Beginning At Last

Just a simple gorilla trying not to go bananas


This a website about those times I did those things, and those other times I did that stuff. (

Korean Stationary and Gift Shop

B’s Writing Place

Once upon a blog ✨


Wandering at the Intersection of Life and the Music of My Youth - A Gen X Music Blog

Rooster Crows

From the Roof Top


On the lookout for more joy

The Ramblings of a Rebel

Bring your tea and a biscuit and read some drivel